Become Hungry Again

Release your inner child

Aarti Tailor
2 min readJun 6, 2022
Photo by Gary Butterfield on Unsplash

Our day-to-day life takes prevalence over everything else and why wouldn’t it? It’s our day-to-day. But in this cycle, we unconsciously lose certain things. But we are so used to living without them that we don’t notice that we are missing them in the first place.

That is what happens when we succumb to the daily grind, but it doesn’t need to be this way.

The main thing we lose when we are caught up in our routines is our curiosity. As humans we are naturally curious creatures but because of the way our lives have panned out we don’t make enough time to be curious because we have greater responsibilities, like children, careers, and funding our lifestyle which understandably take precedence.

But we should get hungry again. We should get curious about everything and anything. Whether it is the smallest or the biggest thing it doesn’t matter. It just gives us something to learn about and get excited about again, even if it is for a brief 5 minutes.

That curiosity could be the fix you needed to brighten your day, learn something new and pique a newfound interest.

When we are overwhelmed by responsibilities we think that we don’t have the time for such things, I am guilty of it too; but it can only take a fraction of our day and this could be the small shift that changes our moods and approach to life.

So get hungry for life again, become curious again, release your inner child and become open to the possibilities that life has to offer us. All it takes is for us to become the seeker, that’s when we uncover the gems we never knew existed.



Aarti Tailor

Alchemist in training. Still learning, still growing. Fusing my life experiences with my interests in spirituality, travelling, self-improvement and wellness.